What is BuffaloNAS.com?

BuffaloNAS is a portal site that establishes peer-to-peer connections between Buffalo NAS (Network Attached Storage) servers, such as the LinkStation or TeraStation Live and external users.

For example, if you have a LinkStation or TeraStation Live at your home or office, you can configure the integrated Web Access server so that certain shares on your system become available to users on the Internet.



The configuration is a simple process. If you have an UPnP enabled router (most recent routers support UPnP) you don’t even need to configure anything on your firewall. All you have to do is enable the Web Access server at your local LinkStation.

Then you merely enter a name (i.e. Baldeagle) and key (i.e. 12345) and wait for the acknowledgement from Buffalonas.com. If nobody has picked your name already, you are set to go.


NOW, there are two ways to share your content.


You tell your family, friends or colleagues to enter http://www.buffalonas.com/baldeagle into their Web browser,


Your friends and family go to http://www.buffalonas.com and enter your LinkStation or TeraStation name (in this example baldeagle) into the logon window.



The link will establish a direct connection between their PC and your LinkStation or TeraStation. Your pictures, documents, music files or whatever you decided to share are now available via the Internet. All without the need for drivers or software installation on your or the viewer's side! You can choose on your LinkStation if you want to make access Anonymous (grant everyone access) or to restrict access via username and password. You can also select if you want the connection to be secure, using SSL.

Even easier, if you access a file on your LinkStation or TeraStation through the Web Access feature and want to share it with your friends, you can send a link using your favorite e-mail client, just by clicking on the file and choosing one of the options in the drop down menu.

And best of all, there are built in features like a Flash based player to stream audio files from your LinkStation right over the Internet. So, if you are away from home, you can still enjoy your tunes. The same goes of course for those, who want to access their Power Point presentation on the road. If you launch a file, the correct application is started automatically, making it a seamless experience.

To find out more about the Web Access feature visit one of the links below:


In addition, we provide a FAQ to answer some of those questions that are not in the manual.


Thank you for your visit and enjoy!


© 2006 - 2007 Buffalo Technology (USA), Inc. 


Buffalo Technology’s Web Access feature is offered as a service for Buffalo Technology customers.  Buffalo Technology provides not guarantee or warranty of its operation and is not responsible for the content on users’ NAS devices.  NAS owners are responsible for following their respective laws and ISP rules regarding content distribution.  User data does not move through www.buffalonas.com , its purpose is only to provide the direct web connection between a user and a NAS product.